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Monday, June 27, 2011

Pictures of Noa

This is a picture of Noa with a bunny that Tia Maggie sent for Easter, he loves it :) it's the perfect size for him to snuggle.

I get bored most days so other day I decided to dress Noa up in one of his adorable outfits that is too hot for Arizona and did a little photo shoot. He looks so cute in his little airplane outfit :)


Unknown said...

He is seriously one cute baby! That may sound biased but I'm his aunt and I'm allowed to drool over my nieces and nephews, right? haha :)

Carree Sue said...

I totally agree with you, he's pretty cute and not to brag but total strangers tell me he's adorable so I think it's safe to admit it :)

Jo said...

He is SO cute! You will be a GREAT mom!

JaredLauraDespain said...

I'm glad I found your blog! Your son is so cute! Very cute family! I'm glad life is going well for you.